Neurodiversity Consultation

It is difficult to thrive in a world that wasn’t created with you in mind. For the 15-20% of people who are neurodivergent (Autistic, ADHD, etc), the world can be an overwhelming and uninviting place. At Square Holes, we work with you to transform your spaces and programs to welcome neurodivergent individuals without requiring that they compromise themselves, their identity, or their feeling of safety and security. 

The Square Holes Difference:

  • Expert-led. Our team comprises experienced auditors with lived experience of neurodiversity.

  • Customized approach. We tailor our solutions to your unique goals, offering à la carte pricing so you only pay for what you need.

  • Sustainable solutions. We equip you with the knowledge and tools to maintain long-term inclusivity.

Neurodiversity Accessibility Audit:

  • Sensory Deep Dive. We meticulously assess your physical space, identifying potential stressors like overwhelming noise, harsh lighting, or confusing layouts.

  • Experience Mapping. We analyze how neurodivergent individuals might navigate your programs, events, and services.

  • Communication Checkup. We evaluate your language, signage, and information delivery for clarity and inclusivity.

Following the audit, you receive a comprehensive report detailing:

  • Prioritized improvements. Clear, actionable steps to create a more welcoming and accessible environment.

  • Sensory solutions. Practical suggestions to reduce sensory overload and enhance comfort.

  • Communication strategies. Recommendations for using language and materials that are inclusive and easily understood by all.

Our customized support can include:

  • A Pre-Visit Toolkit. Visually clear guides highlighting potential sensory challenges and offering accommodations, alternatives, and calming spaces.

  • Training materials. Resources to educate your staff and community about neurodiversity and promote understanding.

  • Curated resource lists. Tailored recommendations for additional tools and information relevant to your specific needs.

  • Implementation and evaluation. We support the program evaluation to ensure efforts are effective and sustainable

Ready to make your space truly open and accessible for all? Contact us about our consultative services today and unlock the potential of a truly inclusive community.

Contact us today to learn how we can help your organization become more inclusive and neurodiversity friendly.
